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The Lang-Lit Mocktail
Eltis-Sifil Symbiosis
Nov 30, 20207 min read
Scared of English? डर के आगे जीत है!
Imagine being in a German language classroom when your teacher says the following word and you are able to spell it correctly...
Eltis-Sifil Symbiosis
Sep 11, 20204 min read
Has Social Media Increased the Use of Slang in Communication?
A sharp DING! screeched in my ears, and my eyes shot open. The source of the sound was not a gunshot, nor an obnoxious construction worker
Anagha Natekar
Aug 31, 20203 min read
Hinglish: The new language of the youth?
“He was trying to पटाओ me, yaar!”
‘‘मैं आज सोच रही थी, आधा semester खत्म हो गया; half the semester is gone!”
Anagha Natekar
Jul 16, 20204 min read
“We are like that only!”
India is a land of diversity in food, culture, attire, languages, geographical terrain, among many other things. But one thing where all of
Eltis-Sifil Symbiosis
Jul 9, 20203 min read
Miss Pushpa T. S: “The Summing Up”
When growing up in a small city, studying in English medium schools was and still is a matter of prestige for many parents and this wasn’t a
Eltis-Sifil Symbiosis
Jun 20, 20206 min read
Queen’s English or Uncle Sam’s: Does it really matter?
Uncle Sam, Big Ben and Mr. Joshi were on a road trip. Uncle Sam was driving. Suddenly he stopped...
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